A deeply saddening incident unfolded as a 13-year-old girl named Taiye Ojo tragically lost her life due to electrocution while attempting to flee from a dog. This heartbreaking event occurred in the Makoko area of Yaba, Lagos State, on a Saturday. Taiye found herself in a distressing situation when she encountered a barking dog within the premises where she resided. While en route to the toilet, the aggressive barking startled her, prompting her instinctual response to seek safety by escaping the vicinity of the dog. Unfortunately, during her frantic escape, she unintentionally made contact with the outdoor unit of an air conditioner, resulting in electrocution.
Taiye was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, where the devastating news of her passing was delivered. The incident caused immense grief among the residents of the house and their neighbors. Following the customs and traditions observed by her family, the young girl was laid to rest in accordance with Islamic rites.
The spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Superintendent Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the incident through an official statement. According to his account, the dog's persistent barking caused Taiye to accidentally touch the window unit air conditioner while attempting to evade the canine. This unfortunate contact resulted in her electrocution. The Divisional Police Officer (DPO) led the patrol team and detectives to the scene, but Taiye had already been rushed to the hospital, where she tragically passed away.
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