A young woman tragically lost her life when some of her companions conspired to toss her into a boiling pot of tomato. The heartbreaking incident was recounted by Israel Joe on Facebook, who was a close associate of the deceased. His post mournfully details the ordeal: "RIP, dear Rozzy. She was pushed into a large pot of boiling ground pepper and tomatoes by her friend on Saturday, April 13th. She fought for nearly two weeks with severe burns before succumbing on Friday, April 26th. Rozzy was laid to rest four days ago, but we cannot let this injustice pass unnoticed. It's appalling how her supposed friends could commit such a heinous act." Joe continues, expressing his disbelief that the perpetrators are still at large, wandering freely without facing any consequences. He urges for justice to prevail, emphasizing that everyone deserves dignity and fairness. The post includes images illustrating the victim and the alleged perpetrators.
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