A heartbreaking incident occurred as a mentally handicapped 21-year-old woman named Hamudat tragically lost her life after accidentally falling into a domestic well in the Pakata area of Ilorin, Kwara State. The unfortunate event unfolded at around 2:55 PM on Saturday, August 5, 2023, at Ile-Kangu Compound in the Ilorin West Local Government Area. Despite the prompt response of the Kwara State Fire Service to rescue her, Hamudat's life could not be saved. Her lifeless body was recovered from the well and handed over to her grieving father, Alhaji Suleiman Issa. The Director of Kwara State Fire Service, Prince Falade John Olumuyiwa, emphasized the importance of safety and cautioned against sending underage children to fetch water from domestic wells. The incident serves as a solemn reminder to prioritize caution in daily activities.
Tragedy strikes as a 21-year-old woman loses her life after falling into a domestic well in Kwara
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