Afrobeat musician Seun Kuti, the son of legendary musician Fela Kuti, was arrested and handcuffed on Monday after voluntarily turning himself in to the Lagos State Police Commissioner, Idowu Owohunwa. Accompanied by a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Adeyinka Olumide-Fusika, Seun Kuti went to meet the police commissioner, but upon arrival, he was immediately arrested and handcuffed by the police and subsequently taken to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department at Panti for interrogation. The arrest came after a video surfaced online showing Seun Kuti involved in a heated argument with a police officer who was stationed in the middle of a busy road. The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Usman Alkali Baba, had ordered Seun Kuti's arrest and instructed for a thorough investigation into the assault.Â
In response to the incident, Seun Kuti took to his Instagram Story and stated that the officer had attempted to harm him and his family, but he revealed that the policeman had apologized, and he had decided not to press charges. Seun Kuti further expressed his willingness to cooperate fully with the police to uncover the truth and called for a fair investigation. The Nigeria Police Force spokesman, Muyiwa Adejobi, had earlier issued a statement on behalf of the IGP, stating that "acts of contempt/disdain for symbols of authority will not be tolerated, while offenders of such hideous crimes will be surely brought to book."Â
The arrest of Seun Kuti was confirmed by Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesperson for the state police command, who tweeted, "SERIOUS ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER: SEUN KUTI TURNS SELF IN. Afrobeat musician, Seun Kuti, in the early hours of today turned himself in at the Lagos State Police Command Headquarters, Ikeja, in the company of his lawyer and family representative. He has been placed under arrest in line with the law." As the investigation progresses, Seun Kuti's arrest has garnered significant attention both in Nigeria and internationally. Many are keenly observing the case, expecting justice to be served, while Seun Kuti has emphasized the importance of ensuring that the truth prevails. It remains to be seen how the investigation will unfold and what legal actions will be taken against the parties involved in the incident.
See below;
Afrobeat musician, Seun Kuti, in the early hours of today turned himself in at the Lagos State Police Command Headquarters, Ikeja, in company of his lawyer and family representative. He has been placed under arrest 1/2
— SP Benjamin Hundeyin (@BenHundeyin) May 15, 2023