A young pharmacist named Claire Anuh, who gained attention on Facebook, recently sparked controversy with her statement about dealing with infidelity in her marriage. She boldly declared that if her husband were to cheat on her, she would resort to a slow killer poison due to her profession granting her access to a wide range of drugs. On her Facebook page, Claire shared her knowledge of these lethal substances, claiming that she could subtly poison her unfaithful spouse's food and beverages without raising any suspicions. According to her, this method would gradually take his life, leaving no trace of foul play. Shockingly, Claire mentioned that she has already sold these slow poison drugs to a few women, who managed to execute their deadly plans without being detected. She concluded her statement by asserting her power over her partner's life, confidently stating, "...Am my man, your life is in my palms. I decide how long I want you to live." The seriousness and boldness of Claire's words have left many people disturbed and concerned about the implications of her profession in such a scenario.
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