A series of photos depicting Saalabata Lawal Maisaje before and after his alleged kidnapping and subsequent release from captivity have emerged online. According to reports, Maisaje was abducted by gunmen in the Dansadau area of Maru local government in Zamfara state in January 2023 and was held captive for three months before finally being released on Friday, April 7, 2023. The pictures shared on social media by his friends and family members show a drastic difference in Maisaje’s physical appearance between the two photos. In the ‘before’ photo, he appears robust and healthy, while in the ‘after’ photo, he looks malnourished and emaciated. Abdul Balarabe shared the photos online and identified Maisaje as the young man who had spent three months in the hands of gunmen after being abducted in the Dansadau district of Maru local government Zamfara state. See the post and comments below:
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