A Nigerian man named Mr. Emmanuel Myam, also known as Emmiwuks, embarked on an ambitious bicycle trip from Benue to Lagos with the sole purpose of meeting the renowned artist Davido. His journey began on the 2nd of August, and today marks the 8th day of his inspiring Ride-a-thon, as he continues his route towards Benin City.
Shakyum Joseph Kayode, a friend of Emmanuel, shared his dedication and obsession with Davido, stating, "Mr. Emmanuel Myam (Emmiwuks) from Ukum LG Benue state, is an obsessed fan of Davido. He is doing a Ride-a-ton from Benue to Lagos on a bicycle for Davido. He is headed to Benin this morning and today marks the 8th day of his Ride-a-ton. Yes! Ride-a-ton not for Guinness Book of Records but for Davido. Let’s share til Davido sees it. We raise by lifting others. Emmi Wuks ride on brother. He started riding on Wednesday 2nd."
Reacting to this remarkable feat, Davido took to his Twitter page to respond, humorously advising the dedicated fan to "Turn around I’m not home." However, undeterred by Davido's response, the determined fan fired back, asserting, "Am not going back. Boss I most present my gift 🎁🎁 to you Davido. Benin state heading to Ogun any moment from now."
Am not going backBoss I most present my gift 🎁🎁 to you @davido Benin state heading to Ogun any moment from now… pic.twitter.com/w8KgwilH1f
— emmiwuks (@emmiwuks) August 11, 2023