A video showing a young man printing and cutting 1,000 naira notes has been circulating on social media and has caused concern among viewers. The dark-skinned man in the video can be seen trimming the edges of what appears to be counterfeit notes, making them look more authentic. The video has attracted a lot of comments from netizens, with many advising others to be vigilant when handling money. Some viewers expressed shock and disappointment, with one user even suggesting that innocent people could be caught with the fake notes. The video has gone viral on social media, with many calling for the individuals involved to be arrested. It is unclear where or when the video was filmed, or if any action has been taken against those involved.
The video was shared on TikTok by user @famoussaad3 with the caption "Pls be careful with the money you collect share video an see what is happening." The post also included various hashtags, including #tiktok, #trend, #fyp, #viral, #goviral, #hausacomedy, #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp, #centralbankofnigeria, and #naira. It is important to be cautious when handling money, especially in light of this disturbing video.
Watch the video below:
Pls be careful with the money you collect share video an see what is happening #tiktok #trend #fyp #viral #goviral #hausacomedy #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #centralbankofnigeria #naira
♬ original sound – Khaleefa 💫