The Lagos State Police Command recently reported a successful rescue operation involving a day-old baby who had been discarded inside a sewage tank within the state. The incident occurred in the Gowon Estate area, and upon receiving the alert, officers from the Gowon Estate Division swiftly arrived at the scene. The police command shared images of the newborn on their official Twitter account, accompanied by the following statement: "A day-old female baby was found in a sewage tank at about 8:30 am today. Officers of Gowon Estate Division, upon being alerted, promptly arrived at the scene. The baby was taken for immediate medical attention at a health center and is doing well." Alongside this heartening news, the police also recounted a similar incident that took place in June, wherein they rescued a baby abandoned beneath a parked bus in the Mile 12 area of Lagos. SP Benjamin Hundeyin, a spokesperson for the command, disclosed the details of the rescue on his verified Twitter handle @benhundeyin. According to him, a concerned citizen heading to work around 4:30 am heard the cries of the baby emanating from under the bus. The passer-by promptly notified the police, and officers from the Ketu Division took custody of the healthy baby girl.