Ignore her for a month to test her love - Nigerian man
Posted by badgeBusayo on 0

A Nigerian man who goes by the username Frazzledazzzled on Twitter, recently took to the social media platform to offer his fellow men advice on how to know if a woman truly loves them. Frazzledazzzled claimed that a woman who truly loves a man will continue to beg after they have broken up.

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According to him, if a woman does not beg you every day after breaking up, it means that she never loved you to begin with. He believes that this is a surefire way to test a woman's love for a man. His exact words were:

“If you love her and think she’s ”the one”? Break up with her. Ignore her for a month. If she does anything but BEG for you back every day — she never truly loved you to begin with.

While some might find his advice a bit cold, he believes that it will ultimately save a lot of pain. He went on to clarify that he doesn't mean for anyone to be mean or cruel to their partner, but rather to distance themselves and let the woman reveal how she truly feels with her actions.

In his opinion, settling down with someone who has not been tested is a recipe for a broken heart and the possibility of losing 50% of one's net worth in a divorce settlement.

The tweet has since gone viral, with many people taking to the comments section to share their thoughts on Frazzledazzzled's advice. While some people agreed with him, others believed that his advice was misguided and could end up hurting someone's feelings unnecessarily.

Regardless of one's opinion on the matter, it's clear that Frazzledazzzled's tweet has sparked an interesting conversation about the nature of love and how to know if someone truly loves you.

Attached to the tweet is a screenshot of Frazzledazzzled's post, which can be seen below: