Renowned chef Hilda Baci has passionately defended her personal style, asserting that her choice of clothing does not define her success in life. Recently, she faced criticism when old videos and photos of her wearing revealing outfits surfaced online following her cooking marathon. Hilda Baci gained fame for breaking the record for the longest individual cooking hours in 2019. Speaking to the media in Lagos, the confident chef emphasized that one can exude seductiveness and still make significant contributions and impact. She firmly stated, "I don't have to be dressed like a nun to make it in life. One can be sexy and still possess amazing beauty, intelligence, and talent. My appearance and attire should not overshadow my values or abilities." Hilda Baci proudly acknowledged her ability to slay in both style and intellect, firmly asserting her worth beyond external judgments.
Hilda Baci defends her dressing style, stating, "I don't need to dress like a nun to succeed in life"
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