In a heartwarming gesture, a final-year student at an undisclosed institution in Nigeria went above and beyond to propose to his girlfriend as she was signing out of school. The young man took a unique approach by writing 'marry me' on her sign-out shirt, creating quite a stir online.
A video of this memorable moment surfaced recently, capturing the student in the act of inscribing those meaningful words on the shirt of a fellow student, believed to be his girlfriend. The video beautifully documented the transition of emotions as the young lady discovered his intentions, initially shocked and then overwhelmed with joy.
Once he had finished writing the heartfelt message, the girlfriend bowed her head to read the shirt and quickly comprehended the significance of the moment. Filled with happiness and gratitude, she jumped up and immediately knelt down to accept the ring he offered, placing it on her finger with great excitement.
This touching video garnered significant attention and engagement from viewers, with many individuals visiting the comment section to extend their heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes.
Here are some of the reactions:
Zarah: "Nah only you got proposed, gift also signing out. I envy you. I pray your joy will last forever. Congratulations."
Estrella: "See as I open teeth dey smile like mumu. Congratulations."
Niratjackson: "See as I just smile, only me. Me, I even did my own sign out, I no even see who to sign on my white shirt. Congratulations, darling."
beautyblink: "I wish to have this experience. Congratulations."
Baybeeblaq: "When I graduate, I nor even get man talk less of engagement. Congratulations."
Loveth: "Congratulations, dear. May I experience that kind of double blessing during my own sign out."
wonderful: "See me dey smile like mumu. Congratulations, dear. I'm so happy for you."
F.G.S.ExecutiveUnisexSaloon01: "Awww, see love. I’m so speechless right now. I'm so glad I really appreciate you all for the love and care. God bless you all, and your turn will come too."
This heartwarming proposal video showcases the power of love and commitment, creating a memorable moment for this couple as they step into a new chapter of their lives. It has also become a viral sensation, spreading joy and inspiration far and wide.
Watch the video below:
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