Banky W's throwback sermon alludes to rumored affair with Niyola (Video)
Posted by badgeBusayo on 0

Following the circulating rumours regarding the alleged affair of **Banky W** with singer **Niyola**, a throwback sermon resurfaces supposedly hinting at the act.

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Netizens managed to uncover a particular video in which Banky W discussed the significance of resistance and his past habits which he isn't proud of.

The video captured Banky W **delivering a sermon** within a church setting, reflecting on how he was once entangled in a destructive way of life.

In the video, he candidly admits to having faltered numerous times, despite making a firm commitment to breaking free from his previous lifestyle.

Banky W proceeds to **encourage the congregation** to immerse themselves in the teachings of the word so that in the event that resistance arises again, it will encounter a purposeful and fortified environment.

Watch the video below …