See How A German Citizen Lashed Out At A Nigerian For Insulting Wizkid On Twitter
Posted by badgeGbolahan on 1

The argument about how Wizkid got to win his first Grammy Award is still on on popular social network, Twitter and it has caught the attention of a German Twitter user.

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The Nigerian Twitter user took to the platform to tweet this;

“Wizkid bragging be like “Hey guys I just won a Grammy award with a song I got featured on, so I wanna thank Beyonce and her 9 year old daughter for making this possible for me”.

This did not sit well with the German citizen as she tweeted this in her language;

“Só um tolo como você pensaria assim, abre a sua mente e contempla a glória do Wizkid, você é Nigeriano e eu não sou, terias mais direito de falar bem dele do que eu mas a escravatura continua assolando a sua geração.”

Which translates too:

“Just a fool like you would think so, open your mind and contemplate the glory of Wizkid, you are Nigerian and I am not, you would have more right to speak well of him than I do but slavery continues to plague your generation.”

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dj bond  (Mar 22, 2021) 
i really prise God for making possible for wizkid to gain all his hard to the gram award. ad thanks to German who lashed the Nigerian tweeter about wizkid statement...
Wizkid can say anything God has bleesed...Up u wizkid let ur enemy jump into the sea..
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