Nollywood actor and filmmaker, Yul Edochie, has taken to social media to celebrate his partner Judy Austin [/b]with an adorable and heartfelt note in honor of her birthday. This sweet gesture has garnered significant attention, as Yul expressed his deep admiration and affection for his partner on her special day.
Celebrating her day, Judy Austin shared a stunning birthday shoot of her in a breath-taking red dress.
Sharing the photo, she captioned …
“Happy beautiful birthday to a Queen.IJELE ISI MMILI JI OFOR.A Warrior Queen.An Angel on Earth.An inspiration to so many.The happiest soul I know.:God’s favourite daughter.:Thank you Lord for the Grace to witness yet another birthday.Your Love and mercies are sufficient to me, Lord.You love me too much.I’m too BLESSED.”
Yul Edochie took to his Instagram page to also celebrate her with a touching note.
He revealed that he is immensely grateful to have found her, while professing his everlasting love for her.
His words read …
“I thank God I found you.Finding you helped me unlock the greater version of myself.Happy birthday to you, my love @judyaustin1Nwunye Odogwu.Ijele Isi Mmili Ji Ofor.Okwulu Okalisia.The next First Lady of Anambra State.May your new age be filled with countless blessings and so much more.Love you forever.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”
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