Actor Yul Edochie has once again captured headlines as he reveals that he recently brought his wife, Judy Austin, to his ancestral village in Ntenje, Anambra State. Making the announcement on his active Facebook page, Yul Edochie expressed his excitement about their visit and hinted at some unforgettable experiences awaiting his fans. Sharing their journey with his followers, Yul Edochie wrote, "Me and Ijele Odogwu Judy touched down our village home in Nteje, Anambra State. The village home of Isi Mmili Ji Ofor. It was something else. A lot happened. I’ll be dropping the video on my YouTube channel, Yul Edochie TV by 4 pm today. Don’t miss it." Accompanying his post was a video showcasing the warm welcome they received from children in the village, who expressed joy at seeing the celebrity couple. Stay tuned for more updates on their memorable visit!
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