Tochukwu Okechukwu, better known as Tochi, recently shared a shocking message he received from a scammer posing as Peter Obi, the Labour Party Presidential candidate. The BBNaija star took to his Instagram Story to reveal that the scammer slid into his DM and asked for N2,000 to help with his court case. This incident occurred after the real Peter Obi lost the presidential election to Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the APC. Despite this, he claimed that he won the election and vowed to take legal action against the ruling party to challenge the election result.
The scammer posing as Peter Obi wrote, “Hello. This is Peter Obi, your proud LP candidate. I lost the election due to rigging. But that’s not a problem. I need you to help we with 2k so I can file for a court case 20******** Kuda.”
Tochi was appalled by the message and called out the fraudster for his lack of intelligence and poor scamming tactics. He reacted by saying, “If a bird has your brain, it will be flying backwards.”
This is not the first time that Tochi has been targeted by scammers. In September 2022, he received a message from someone claiming to be the late Queen Elizabeth II, requesting $300 from him. The scammer slid into Tochi's DM on Instagram and claimed that she was not dead, and that her son Charles had abandoned her on a deserted island so he could ascend her throne. The scammer then asked for $300 as 'transport fare' to return to Buckingham Palace in the UK.
The rather amusing message read, “Hey, it’s me, Queen Elizabeth. I am not dead. Charles sent me to a deserted island so he could be king. I don’t have access to my royal money, so please cash app me $300 so I can get back to the UK. Tea and biscuits.”
Tochi expressed his disdain for the imposter and called him a 'psychopath' for taking advantage of the Queen's death.
Tochi from BBNaija was angry when someone claiming to be Peter Obi asked him for 2k in a DM
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