Natacha Akide, popularly known as Tacha and a former contestant on Big Brother Naija, has fearlessly responded to social media trolls who targeted her in the midst of the outfit controversy involving Mercy Eke. The drama began when American rap star Cardi B praised Mercy Eke's outfits at the recently concluded AMVCA show. Mercy had recreated one of Cardi B's looks from the awards show, and Cardi B showed her appreciation by reposting Mercy's picture on her Instagram story. Overwhelmed by the recognition, Mercy expressed her excitement and even planned to frame Cardi B's compliment. However, this led to netizens criticizing Tacha for not receiving international recognition for her own extravagant outfit worth 11 million naira. Undeterred by the criticism, Tacha boldly declared a "pandemic of low self-esteem" on social media and addressed the issue head-on. She expressed her confidence, emphasizing that she was raised to be a confident woman and couldn't be anything else. Tacha's response to the trolls shows her resilience and determination to stay true to herself despite the negativity.
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