The family of the late Nollywood actor, Saint Obi, has responded to viral reports suggesting that he experienced marital difficulties prior to his death. The reports, attributed to Mr Zik Zulu Okafor, alleged that the renowned movie star faced mistreatment from his wife's family. In a detailed statement, the family categorically refuted these claims, asserting that they were entirely false and malicious. The family expressed their disappointment in Mr Okafor's article, deeming it both sad and unfortunate. They emphasized that the family is currently in a period of mourning and requested that their privacy be respected. In their official statement, the family conveyed that the publication by Mr Okafor was neither authorized nor endorsed by any member of the Nwafor family. They firmly disassociated themselves from the content and deemed the views and allegations therein as entirely the writer's opinion, further highlighting that they were untrue, malicious, and insensitive to Saint Obi's wife, children, and entire family. The family expressed gratitude for the condolences received from friends, fans, and well-wishers but appealed for privacy during this difficult time. Details regarding the funeral arrangements will be shared with the public in due course. The family concluded their statement with prayers for the departed Saint Obi, referring to him as their beloved brother, son, father, and husband, and wishing for his soul to rest in peace.
Saint Obi's family denounces rumors of marital suffering as false, malicious, and insensitive