The police command in Ogun state has taken into custody the controversial singer, Habeeb Okikiola, better known as Portable, after he initially resisted arrest. This development occurred following an incident where officers came to his bar to take him away, prompting the singer to demand to know the reason for his arrest and refuse to go with the men to their station. Portable later claimed that the officers had been sent by a Yahoo boy who wanted him arrested, adding more drama to the already tense situation. After the incident, Portable was given a 72-hour ultimatum which expired today.
According to online sources, he has now been arrested by the police division in Ogun and is expected to remain in detention for 72 hours. The Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, confirmed the arrest and stated that Portable is currently being held in a cell at the state headquarters of the police in Eleweran, Abeokuta. He also revealed that the street-hop musician had been invited for questioning five times but had disregarded all invitations.