Phyna, the winner of a reality show, expressed her ongoing feud with fellow reality star Neo Akpofure on Snapchat. She addressed Neo's characterization of her as "razz" and went further, calling him a "prostitute," expressing her disdain with a series of laughing emojis.
In a bold statement, she mentioned her reluctance to give birth to a man dependent on women for support, emphasizing her point by labeling Neo as a "brostitute" in a Snapchat post.
This recent development unfolded after Phyna's appearance on a podcast with Pere Egbi, where she delved into the reasons behind her dislike of Neo.
Phyna recounted an incident from their time on the Big Brother Nigeria All Stars reality program, where Neo disapproved of her and her language, considering it "razz." She defended herself, asserting that Neo, given his humble background, shouldn't be quick to judge.
“God nor go let me born man wey women go dy feed sha. I mean a brostitute”
This latest development followed Phyna’s previous podcast appearance with Pere Egbi, during which she discussed the reasons for her distaste of Neo.
Phyna recounted an event from the Big Brother Nigeria All Stars reality program in which Neo voiced unhappiness with her and her language.
She claims that during a conversation with someone, the individual employed a popular slang she frequently uses. Neo instantly objected, citing his dislike of the slang’s affiliation with someone he considered “razz.”
Phyna, on the other hand, defended herself, stating that Neo, given his lowly roots and tribulations, should not be hasty in passing judgment.