The controversial Nollywood actress, Nkechi Blessing, has recently showcased her natural body in new photos, subtly shading those accustomed to artificial enhancements. The actress, who has been making headlines in the past weeks due to an online feud with relationship expert Blessing CEO, took to her official Instagram page to flaunt her figure in a see-through outfit, emphasizing the beauty of natural bodies.
Nkechi Blessing[/figure]The actress had referred to Blessing CEO as a "placard" in response to bikini photos shared by the relationship expert, sparking the online altercation. In a now-deleted post, Nkechi Blessing questioned the societal shift towards artificial bodies, expressing that some individuals no longer appreciate natural beauty.
Nkechi Blessing[/figure]She emphasized her refusal to conform to societal expectations, stating, "Some of you are so used to artificial bodies that you don’t appreciate natural bodies anymore. So what if I have gallops here and there? Make I go restructure my body to please who? Internet children? Taaaa!!!"