Nollywood actor Lateef Adedimeji has opened up about the emotional challenges he and his wife, Mo Bimpe, have faced due to persistent social media trolling, especially over sensitive matters. In a candid interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo, the actor shared the painful experiences of online bullies who have cruelly targeted his wife, calling her barren. These hurtful remarks have often caused emotional distress for the couple, testing their strength as they deal with the negativity from online trolls. Despite this, Lateef praised his wife for her resilience and unwavering support.
Lateef, who has been happily married to Mo Bimpe for nearly four years, recalled how the trolls’ comments have affected both of them. He revealed that his wife, who often shares the hurtful comments with him, remains strong and constantly reassures him that she is fine, despite the public scrutiny. He said, “My wife and I have received a lot of trolling. Recently, someone called her barren on social media. She would always show it to me and say she would be all right.”
Lateef expressed how these hurtful comments and the trolling have served as a test of resilience for their relationship. The constant online attacks have been a challenge for them, but Lateef showed immense appreciation for his wife’s ability to remain unshaken in the face of such cruelty.
Reflecting on his journey in Nollywood, Lateef also recalled a difficult moment early in his career when a mentor doubted his abilities. He was even told that his career would fail within a year. Despite the discouragement, Lateef did not give up, persevering with determination and a deep love for acting. He recounted earning only ₦4,000 for a lead role in his first film. This early struggle and perseverance paved the way for his eventual success, as Lateef Adedimeji is now recognized as one of the most celebrated actors in Nollywood, with numerous accolades and awards to his name.
Recently, Lateef earned a Best Actor nomination at the 10th Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) for his outstanding performance in Jagun Jagun, an epic film by Femi Adebayo. His career continues to thrive, and he remains one of the most influential figures in Nollywood today.
In the interview, Lateef also reflected on the vital role his wife has played in his success. He shared that when he was working on his first big-screen project, Lisabi, he faced a difficult situation where many people he thought would support him were absent. It was in that challenging moment that his wife, Mo Bimpe, stood by him and provided the emotional and moral support he needed to stay confident and keep pushing forward in his career. He said, “When I wanted to do my first big-screen project, Lisabi, I realized everyone I thought would stand by me was absent. But my wife was there, and she helped me stay confident.”