Nollywood actress Empress Njamah has taken to her page to celebrate the 48th birthday of her colleague, Rita Dominic, with an emotional note. The news of Rita Dominic's birthday has been making waves as friends and loved ones flood social media with photos to commemorate the special occasion. In a heartfelt tribute, Empress Njamah expressed her admiration for Rita, highlighting the actress's supportive nature. According to Empress Njamah, Rita has been a constant source of encouragement and comfort, reaching out to her daily to uplift her spirits, especially during challenging times. Empress Njamah also acknowledged Rita's private and shy personality. She further praised Rita for believing in her and loving her wholeheartedly. Empress Njamah concluded her tribute by sending birthday wishes and prayers to Rita, expressing her love and appreciation.
Nollywood actress Rita Dominic. Photo credit: Empress Njamah. Source: Instagram
Empress Njamah celebrates Rita Dominic's 48th birthday with heartfelt morning calls
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