Actor Deyemi Okanlawon took action to address the criticism that Osas Ighodaro faced over her outfit. A few days ago, Osas attended a Barbados event wearing a provocative outfit, which led to backlash on social media. She was seen wearing a golden shot and bra while twerking around the city. The former beauty queen shared images and videos from the festival held in Rihanna’s hometown. Despite her caption expressing her enjoyment, Osas received negative comments for her choice of clothing, especially considering she's a mother. Many commenters criticized her for sexualizing her body and endorsing immodest clothing. Responding to this, Deyemi Okanlawon decided to help by using an editing application to cover up Osas's outfit. He playfully mentioned sending her outfits from his "Let The Poor Breeef" summer collection. Deyemi shared this gesture on his Instagram, showing the actress in different attires.
Actor, Deyemi. Source: Google
Deyemi Okanlawon helps Osas Ighodaro address criticism by styling her in more conservative attire
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