Popular comedian, Bovi Ugboma, recently caused a stir on social media when he playfully revealed how his wife deceived him into marriage. Taking to his Instagram page, the comedian shared a humorous anecdote along with a photo of his wife's driving permit, which displayed a surprising 1949 date. Bovi jokingly suggested that her possession of such an old document implied that she might be significantly older than him. He confessed that he had always harbored suspicions about her age, and now, with this evidence, he humorously accused her of tricking him into marriage. His post garnered a flurry of reactions from fans and followers, with many joining in on the fun and expressing their admiration for Bovi's comedic talents. Some even speculated about the authenticity of the ID card, while others simply applauded Bovi for his sense of humor. Despite the playful banter, it's clear that Bovi and his wife share a strong bond, as evidenced by the affectionate comments from their supporters. Check out the post below for more laughs and comments from fans.
Bovi reveals his suspicion that his wife is older than him, and how she deceived him into marriage
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