Actress Omotunde, renowned for her role as Adaku in Jenifa's Diary, has finally spoken out following the recent controversy surrounding Funke Akindele, sparked by the criticism from the brother of the late Jumoke Aderounmu. Jumoke, known for her portrayal of Esther in the series, tragically passed away on April 6th, prompting an outpouring of condolences from friends and colleagues, including Akindele. However, tensions escalated when Aderounmu's brother accused Akindele of hypocrisy, alleging that she ignored Jumoke's pleas for help during her illness. Omotunde, also known as Adaku, has since intervened, urging caution and emphasizing the importance of understanding the full context before making accusations public.
After Jumoke Aderounmu's brother criticized Funke Akindele, Omotunde 'Adaku' responds
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