Alexandra Asogwa, widely known as Alex, recently disclosed a captivating detail about her time on the 2018 season of Big Brother Naija (BBNaija). She shared that her fellow housemate CeeC had told Tobi that she was a virgin during their stay in the "Double Wahala" season. This revelation had a strong impact on Tobi, leading to his agitation.
Alex recounted this intriguing piece of information during a conversation she had with Pere. According to Alex, CeeC's declaration about her virginity had a notable effect on Tobi. She recalled, "CeeC told Tobi that she was a virgin and Tobi just lost it. I don’t know the narrative she was trying to push. I don’t know what they were. And he got upset. He said, ‘You dare not, you f*cking grabbed my d*ick and you come here saying that you are a virgin."
Notably, Alex played a pivotal role in mediating arguments between CeeC and Tobi. She shared that whenever the two had disputes, they would turn to her as Tobi would listen to her perspective. Alex explained, "Whenever CeeC and Tobi have an argument, they come to me. I was the only one who could talk to Tobi that he would listen to, so she [CeeC] had seen that I was on her side."
The dynamic between CeeC and Alex was marked by rivalry throughout their original season, and this tension continued into the ongoing all-star edition. A recent clash between the two arose over the first wager task of the season, highlighting their ongoing conflict.
alex – ceec told tobi that she was a virgin, he was pissed, he said you fvcking grabbed my d*ick #bbnaija @bbnaija
— AE (@AssistantEbukaa) August 4, 2023